How to Use HO or CE L’HO

Why do we say: “ho, or “ce l’ho” in Italian? This peculiar form of Italian has its own reason for existing. We explain briefly and clearly in this post how to Use HO or CE L’HO. While using the verb … Continued

How to use Italian pronominal verb VOLERCI

What exactly is an Italian pronominal verb? It’s the kind of verb that has pronouns and particles added to it that modify its meaning. The particle in this case is ci. Learn more about How to use the Italian pronominal … Continued

What is a Preposition in the Italian Language?

Prepositions are words that establish relationships between other words in a sentence, connecting nouns, pronouns, or phrases to convey important information about location, direction, time, manner, and more. In short, prepositions provide context and clarify relationships between elements in a … Continued

20 Scioglilingua Italiani – 20 Italian Tongue Twisters

posted in: Vocabulary & Idioms | 1

Tongue twisters are phrases that are designed to be challenging to say because they contain similar consonantal or initial sounds. They are a great tool for language learners to practice pronunciation and fluency. Learn about 20 Scioglilingua Italiani – 20 Italian Tongue … Continued

How to Use Past Tense Verbs with Fa Scorso and Passato

What are the words FA, SCORSO and PASSATO? Find out and learn in this post how to use Past Tense Verbs with Fa Scorso and Passato. To place an action in the past we use words like “fa” , “scorso” and … Continued

Asking questions in Italian using question words

The most common way of asking questions in Italian using ‘question words’. Find out and learn in this post Asking questions in Italian using question words. Question words are placed at the beginning of the sentence they introduce. 1. Chi? (Who/Whom) Chi means … Continued