Mi piace VS A me piace – Verb PIACERE with preposition A

When you use the verb “piacere” you need the indirect pronoun before the verb

Example: mi piace

In Italian you can choose between two different indirect pronouns:

they are called ATONI and TONICI

How to use Indefinite Adjectives and Indefinite Pronouns in Italian

You need Indefinite adjectives and pronouns to indicate an element of uncertainty to describe the quantity or quality of a noun.

Some are just adjectives or pronouns others are both.

Una Ricetta per il Congiuntivo – A Recipe for the Subjunctive

Una mini guida per imparare ad usare il congiuntivo (A mini-guide to learn how to use the subjunctive) :Una Ricetta per il Congiuntivo – A Recipe for the Subjunctive Verbs allow you to convey a specific manner of thinking. This … Continued