Mastering the Italian “Z” Sound

Here is the full guide to producing the Italian “Z” sound. Italian has a specific “Z” sound that is very important to pronounce. We’ll explain how to pronounce the Italian “Z” sound and offer advice on how to do it right to help learners better pronounce words correctly.

Similar to the consonant “S,” the consonant “Z” has two distinct sounds: the “voiced Z,” where the vocal cords vibrate, and the “voiceless Z,” where they do not.

It’s important to pay attention to whether the vocal cords vibrate when pronouncing the letter “Z” in different positions within words.

The voiced Z sound is produced with the vocal cords vibrating, creating a buzzing or humming sound, while the voiceless Z sound is produced without vibration, resulting in a hissing sound.

The Voiced “Z” Sound (Z sonora or dolce):
sound dz

The most common pronunciation of the letter “Z” in Italian is the voiced sound, similar to the English “dz” sound in words like “adze” or “amazed.” Usually, the letter “Z” is pronounced as a voiced sound when it appears at the beginning of a word.

  • ZAINOBackpack
  • ZEROZero


To pronounce this sound, touch your upper teeth with the tip of your tongue. Remove the tongue, but leave it near the teeth. Let the air out and say /dz/ a few times. The vocal cords should vibrate.

Listen to the words while looking at the pictures

Zucchina, Mezzanotte, Benzinaio, Zero.

Listen to each word again and repeat it out loud.





The Voiceless “Z” Sound (Z sorda or aspra): sound ts

This sound is similar to the English “ts” sound in words like “cats” or “hats.” Usually, the letter “Z” is usually pronounced as a voiceless sound when found inside a word or in a double sound.

  • PIAZZASquare
  • GRAZIEThank you


To pronounce this sound, touch your upper teeth with the tip of your tongue. Remove the tongue, but leave it near the teeth. Let the air out and say /tz/ a few times. The vocal cords do not vibrate.

Listen to the words while looking at the pictures

Tazza, ragazzo, stanza, spazzola, marzo.

Listen to each word again and repeat it out loud.






Listen and repeat these Words

  • Zebra.
  • Zigomo.
  • Zampa.
  • Zanna.
  • Zerbino.
  • Azzurro.
  • Frizzante.
  • Tramezzino.
  • Bizzarro.

Listen and repeat this Story

Nel bel mezzo di un pranzo, con dozzine di invitati, al momento del contorno alle melanzane con pane azzimo e spumante frizzante, racconto una bizzarra storia di alcune amazzoni, che per catturare le gazzelle di quella zona, prima cavalcano zebre imbizzarrite, e poi elettrizzate, come razzi, piombano sulle prede, catturandone a bizzeffe

PRACTICE voiceless Z

Listen and repeat these Words

  • Ragazzo.
  • Mazzo.
  • Indirizzo.
  • Descrizione.
  • Spazio.
  • Piazza.
  • Prezzo.
  • Stazione.
  • Davanzale.

Listen and repeat this Tongue Twister

Sotto la porta di un palazzo, c’è un povero cane pazzo. Date un pezzo di pane a quel povero pazzo cane.

If you want to practise Italian pronunciation, you can record yourself using the app. SpeakPipe voice recorder and post a link to the recording in your comment.


Although standard Italian has rules about when the sounds /dz/ or /tz/ are used, the pronunciation varies greatly from region to region.


There are two different ways that the Italian letter “Z” can be pronounced, each of which adds to the language’s variety and precision. Through comprehension and application of these phonemes in diverse settings, students can improve their Italian pronunciation skills and express their thoughts confidently and precisely.

Inspirational question:

Have you had any trouble telling the difference between the two Italian sounds for the letter “Z”?
In what way will you use this knowledge in your language-learning process?
Leave your ideas and personal stories in the comments section below!


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You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free resources:

🔗 Italian Pronunciation Guide

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