Mastering Italian Partitive Articles

Understanding and Mastering Italian Partitive Articles.

The partitive article, formed by the preposition “di” and the determinative article, indicates an indefinite or unknown quantity of a larger whole.

Do you know how to use all the different forms of the partitives? Test what you know with interactive exercises and read the explanation to help you.

Look at these examples to see how the partitive is used.

  • Ho comprato delle mele dal fruttivendolo.
  • In quel giardino ci sono degli alberi.
  • Vuoi dell’acqua? No, grazie.

Try this exercise to test your grammar.

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Let’s break down their usage with precision.

What is the Partitive Article?

It indicates an unspecified amount of something, usually uncountable nouns like food, drinks, or materials.

In Italian, the partitive article is formed by combining the preposition “di” (of) with the definite article (the).
Here’s the breakdown:

In the singular, it refers to a specific amount of something: un po’ di.

Vorrei dell’aranciata -> Vorrei un po’ di aranciata. (I would like some orange soda.)

Vorrei dello zucchero nel caffè -> vorrei un po’ di zucchero nel caffè. (I would like some sugar in my coffee.)

In the plural, “dei/degli/delle” refers to a specific number of parts compared to the whole. -> alcuni, qualche.

Vorrei dei libri -> Vorrei alcuni libri. (I would like some books).

Luisa ha dei vestiti eleganti -> Luisa ha alcuni vestiti eleganti (Luisa has some elegant clothes)

The structure of the Partitive Articles

Mastering Italian Partitive Articles


Prendo della minestra. (I have some soup.)

Vogliamo dell’acqua. (We want some water.)

Luigi compra del pane. Luigi buys some bread.

Ecco dello zucchero. (Here is some sugar.)

Compriamo dell’inchiostro. (We buy some ink.)

Vuoi delle caramelle? (Do you want some candies?)

Abbiamo dei libri. (We have some books.)

Hanno degli zaini. (They have some knapsacks.)


Think of the partitive as translating only the “of the” portion of the English phrase “some of the”:

Mastering Italian Partitive Articles

Using the Partitive Article

In the plural, the indefinite articles are substituted with partitive articles.

Mastering Italian Partitive Articles

Let’s explore practical examples of how partitive articles are used in everyday language.

Food and Drink:

Vorrei del formaggio fresco (I would like some fresh cheese)

Prendiamo delle patatine croccanti (Let’s have some crispy chips)

Vuoi del caffè caldo? (Do you want some hot coffee?)

Abstract Concepts:

Ho avuto dei problemi con il mio computer (I had some problems with my computer)

Understanding how to use partitive articles correctly is essential in everyday conversation. It can help clarify the amount of something needed or referred to and help avoid confusion or misunderstandings.

🔗 Learn how to use Italian Definite Articles

🔗 Learn how to use Italian Indefinite Articles

Practice to Mastering Italian Partitive Articles

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to practice! Try incorporating partitive articles into your everyday Italian conversations. Whether you’re ordering food at a trattoria or chatting with Italian-speaking friends, don’t be afraid to use them. Remember, the more you practice, the more natural it’ll become.

Make sure not to miss out on this opportunity to enhance your knowledge of Italian partitive articles! The activities on this page are your path to proficiency. These tasks will help you naturally improve your understanding and fluency in partitive articles.

Take on the challenge, dive into the activities, and witness your confidence in Italian grow with each completed exercise. Remember that practice makes perfect, so make use of this opportunity to sharpen your skills and enhance your linguistic abilities. Good luck!

Practice Italian with the following Partitive articles tasks:

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Congratulations! You have taken the first step toward mastering Italian partitive articles.
Keep practising, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way.
Learning a language is all about enjoying the process.

Question for You: What is your greatest challenge when it comes to learning Italian partitive articles?
Please share your ideas and experiences in the comments below. Let’s learn from one another as well!


What’s next?

You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free resources:

🔗 An Easy Guide to Italian grammar

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