Come si dice – A me mi piace o a me piace?

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Remove your doubts in the Italian Language.

La frase “a me mi piace” é scorretta perché si ripete due volte un pronome personale che ha la stessa funzione: me e mi. (The phrase “a me mi piace” is incorrect because a personal pronoun is repeated twice having the same function: me and me.)

  1. A me mi piace” – This construction includes both the emphasized pronoun “a me” and the subject pronoun “mi.” This double pronoun usage is NOT grammatically correct but adds emphasis to the speaker’s personal preference.
  2. A me piace” – This phrase drops the subject pronoun “mi,” resulting in a simpler and correct sentence structure but without the additional layer of emphasis.

Learn how to use this very useful phrase:

 ME MI PIACE Come si dice - A me mi piace o a me piace?
Come si dice - A me mi piace o a me piace?

Nel linguaggio colloquiale l’espressione “a me mi piace” è  usata frequentemente per rafforzare e mettere in evidenza a chi piace qualcosa. (In colloquial language, the expression “a me mi piace” is frequently used to reinforce and highlight who likes something. )

La frase corretta da usare nell’italiano standard può essere: (the correct sentence to use in standard Italian can be:)

  • a me piace
  • mi piace

a te la scelta. (the choice is yours.)


mi piace mangiare la pasta

ti piacciono i fiori?

gli piace andare al mare

a me piace mangiare la pasta

a te piacciono i fiori?

a lui piace andare al mare

Having said that about grammar rules, in spoken language, you can use a phrase with a me mi . But in formal speech (a job interview or an oral exam, a dialogue with a superior – teacher, office manager, etc.) and even more in writing it is definitely better to avoid.

We can sometimes find this “a me mi” in some songs of the last decades:

🎼 Edoardo Bennato – A Me Mi Piaci Così

Learn more about the verb piacere:


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